Ressources en psychocriminologie, psychologie forensique et criminologie

JUSTICE RESTAURATIVE: Le programme Citizenship (UK-2011)

mai 31st, 2018 | Publié par crisostome dans JUSTICE RESTAURATIVE

Le programme Citizenship, dans la région de Durham, en Angleterre, qui comporte en plus une forte dimension citoyenne et communautaire, et de ce fait repose aussi sur le plan théorique sur les travaux de Braithwaite (Braithwaite, 1989)


The key ingredients of this approach to juvenile justice reform are therefore really  quite simple:

  •  Convene a conference to which the key invitees are the offender, the people who are most supportive of the offender (usually his or her family), the victim and people to support the victim.
  • Give all participants an opportunity to explain how the offence affected their lives and to put forward proposals for a plan of action.
  • After the offender and his or her family have listened to the other speakers, empower them to propose final plans until they come up with a plan that isagreeable to all participants in the conference (including the police).
  • Monitor implementation of the plan, particularly those elements involving compensation to victims and community work.


My empirical claim is that such a criminal justice procedure encourages reintegrative and discourages stigmatic forms of shaming; it tends to nurture acceptance of responsibility by individuals and families, apology, restitution and forgiveness; it discourages exclusionary forms of punishment and outcasting. This, of
course, is a claim that can be rebutted by well-designed evaluation research.

Source: John Braithwaite: Juvenil offending: new theory an practice


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